The Engine Room
Welcome to the Engine Room
We believe that prayer and worship are the two "engines" that drive our church at SVV.
We are passionate about getting into the presence of the Almighty God and through worshipping Him and spending time with Him in prayer - read more below about opportunities to do just that!
Prayer Ministry Evenings
Usually the 3rd Monday of every month, we gather and make space for the Holy Spirit to come and do what He wants to do. This is a time where we receive prayer and give prayer by the laying on of hands. It's a great place to practice prophesying, delivering words of knowledge and ​administering healing. We meet at the Vineyard Centre @ 7:30pm. See Upcoming Events (above) for our next meeting.
Worship Nights
Worship 'til we worship is one our our values at SVV, so we set aside time every month to corporately come together and spend time worshipping the Lord. Sometimes we have visiting worship teams, sometimes we just have a solo worship leader and a guitar. The goal is intimacy with Jesus and encountering the Holy Spirit. We tend to have worship nights (or afternoons) once a month on a Saturday - come along- we'd love to have you join us!
Prayer Room
We have a 24-7 Prayer Room on site that we use year-round and theme during special events (advent, 24-7 prayer week etc.). If you are unfamiliar with the concept of a prayer room, read Pete Greig's 'Red Moon Rising'. We book in slots so that everyone can have an hour (or more!) to themselves if they wish.
If you are interested in using our Prayer Room, please click here to book.
If you have any prophetic words whilst using the prayer cabin, or have any requests for prayer then we would love for you to share them with us, so please drop us an email at
Aside from providing a place for private prayer, we also have weekly prayer groups on zoom and in person, prayer ministry nights, and run Immanuel Prayer.
Weekly Prayer Meeting
Come seek the Lord in prayer in a low key pre-lunchtime prayer meeting. We will sit together and invite the Holy Spirit, making space to hear from Him, as well as lay our requests before the Lord regarding the building move for Stour Valley Vineyard Church and Sudbury town.
Leader: Karen Naylor
Where: Taylor's House
When: Weekly from 1-2pm
Like to join us? Sign up here.
Can't join us in person? Join us via zoom!
Zoom Log in: 811 4019 4641
Password: 330676