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24-7 Prayer is an international prayer movement that that is passionate about non-stop night and day prayer.

24-7 Prayer Week 2024: "The Joy of His Presence"

Join us for this years 24-7 Prayer week, with the theme of “The Joy of His Presence”. The Vernon’s have kindly offered us the use of their garden room for our week of prayer. Each year we spend 168 hours in nonstop prayer by booking in hour long prayer slots to spend time with God, pray for the church and pray for our community. People have had some amazing encounters in the prayer room.

Click here to book your slot for the 24/7 prayer week. 

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We would love to hear what God says to you during these times of prayer, so please share anything you feel God may be speaking to you about by emailing 


We partner with 24-7 every year and do a full week –  where we pray every. single. hour. for 168 straight hours!! It is an incredible time of breakthrough, Presence and discipline as we work together as a church to really get back into PRAYER. We have an online sign up so that you can book your slot in the prayer room (or at home). It is an incredible thing, saturating a place with prayer, as the Presence of God dwells heavy as we meet with him in the stillness. Join us this year in praying over ourselves, our families, our church and our town.
Read more about 24-7 Prayer here:


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