We're here happy to help!
We provide food bags to local families and individuals in crisis through a referral only system, partnering with agencies within the Sudbury area.
We provide simple food supplies, (long life, non perishable goods) toiletries, household cleaners and even nappies.
We offer hot/cold drinks and a warm welcome to those who visit us.
How can our service be accessed?
Any agency that you are working with can refer you via email, which includes schools and churches.
Referral via an agency is the best route to take, it is likely you are already engaging with other agencies, CAB, NHS, GP, Temp/Emergency Housing, Police, Family Centres, Mental Health/AA etc.
Once referred, food parcels can be picked up directly from us at Sudbury Business Centre.
We are open Tuesday and Friday 1-3pm - Please arrive prior to 2:45pm so we can complete our full service. We are closed on Bank Holidays and Christmas (dates confirmed closer to the time)
We can provide food once per week, with the requirements of a referral each time.
We actively encourage that you engage with an agency first, they will then refer you to us should they deem you in need of our services.
If you are not with a support agency you can call the Council Helpline number 0300 1234000 option 7.
We look forward to meeting you and assisting you with our service.
For those who refer to us:
Please email your referral to us via email to storehouse@stourvalleyvineyard.org - Please provide the first name and first two initials of the surname, how many adults/children are in the household and any relevant information to the client we may find helpful..
If you have any queries: Tel: 07884 179266.
Drop-in: Once referral made, client to attend us in person, either Tues and Fri 1pm-3pm (Please request they arrive by 2:45pm, so we can assist them).